Building a legacy

Summer Body Athletics is a Health and Beauty company that provides high quality body care at affordable prices for people with dry damaged skin and hair.

Like many African Americans the story of our past is vague and likely unimaginable, so we decided to focus on the future. By Building a brand that solves countless challenges that directly impact the black community we have chosen to be apart of change.

 Our core values are perseverance and resiliency.

Who Is Courtney?

Summer Body Athletics was created by 34 year old visionary, Courtney Brown, a Los Angeles native who blends her love for science, art, and community engagement into every batch of her handmade body care. 

Why We Started?

Courtney's personal journey and deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by the black community have inspired her to build a brand that resonates with individuals who struggle with social and economic challenges.

Summer Body Athletics embraces the principles of relatability, recognizing the power of shared experiences and the importance of representation for our youth. 

With each new formula we add to our family. Sourcing clean ingredients with powerful results has given us the opportunity to build a community. 

By infusing each product with nourishing ingredients our brand has created a trusted connection with the Los Angeles community. We strive for Every visit to Summer Body Athletics to instill a sense of pride, and confidence in your unique beauty.

What we plan to do?

With a commitment to sustainability, and economic empowerment, Summer Body Athletics seeks to uplift the black community through its **mission-driven initiatives.

By supporting Summer Body Athletics, customers become part of a movement that is dedicated to breaking down barriers and driving positive change.